Practice the inclusion of women with / close to disability
Inclusive march “Fuori tutte!” by Associazione CRIS
On April 13, 2019, the “Fuori tutti!” Initiative was held in Corciano and then in Perugia on May 18. Inclusive marches against violence against women with disabilities which was an opportunity for information / training exchanges on the knowledge of gender-based violence and on the specificity of the concrete needs of women and girls with disabilities, with particular attention to their diversity and heterogeneity.
For example, a deaf person cannot call an emergency number, but can send an sms, so it would be sufficient to equip emergency call centers with devices capable of receiving sms.
Satisfy all physical, communication, social and emotional needs of women with disabilities, with respect to access to protected homes (such as, for example, women’s shelters, care centers, social services), and others existing services (brochures, telephone numbers, therapists, etc.) in the field of protection against violence and sexual abuse
Women and girls with disabilities or close to disability, exposed to gender violence
In Corciano the readings of passages, poems were integrated by the action of the association Intrecciamo i fili which symbolically made us weave the network of solidarity with women victims of violence.
While in Perugia a group of deaf people staged a performance by marking (through sign language) texts of poems and songs related to inclusion. Also in Perugia, guests of the Command of the Carabinieri of Perugia, in the splendid Santa Elisabetta room, Francesca Borgioni made us thrill, guiding us in an engaging inclusive dance. The PID project is inspired by the principles of the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities, Manifesto Donne Disabili UE-ITA.